Howdy all! I am sure most of you, if not all of you, are aware of yesterday's earthquake/tsunami's here in Japan. It was bad. It IS bad. Horrible. Please pray. We are fine though. We live a long way away from the affected areas. We are thankful to be safe and for God's protection. It really makes you stop and think about what is really important. People on T.V. say what is most important is that they are still alive, but that is not it. What is most important is eternity. Are you ready? Houses, lands, and lives can be snatched away in a moment... but not our salvation. Amen!
Well, we got out there again today and passed out some tracts. Glory to God and shame on the devil! We've had our hearts and minds focused on the earthquake/tsunami news and I must say it is quite captivating. I am the kind of person that can easily get wrapped up in the news and stay there (as with 9/11). Now, yesterday's destruction was horrible and our hearts go out to the many folks suffering, but we can't sit around and watch the news. We must carry on. So... me and three of my boys, Malachi, Gideon, and Josiah got out there and pounded the pavement...err, ah... snow! The devil didn't want us to go. He wanted us to sit and fret and watch the horrible events unfold on T.V. But! But! What people need is the Good News, especially at a time like this! I asked the boys "if they had their ammunition?" and "if they needed to reload?" as we went. They said "it is a weapon isn't it?" and "it's sharper than any twoedged sword!" and "maybe after the earthquake and tsunami some might be more open to reading these tracts." I said, "That's right, they may be!" So, we had a good time out today. It snowed a little but no problem. Slipping on the ice was more of a problem! Ha! Josiah fell a number of times! You all have a great week and please continue to pray for Japan and the Japanese at this time. And please pray for those "little preachers" (tracts) that we passed out today. They can keep on preachin' even when we aren't around! Take care!