Monday, April 11, 2011

In Saku City

Hi folks,

I am in Saku City now. That is west and a tad north of Tokyo. I'm here with Bro. Dan Roberts. We will be preparing, gathering, and loading food and other items tomorrow to take up north to the quake/tsunami stricken area shelters to distribute. Lord-willing we will head out Wednesday, drive 8 hours or so north, and then pass out things on Thursday. Please pray for Dan as he has been "go go go" these last few weeks and now has a cold. Also, please remember our families as we are away from them while on the road. Finally, please continue to pray for the Japanese people. They are hurting in the areas that are destroyed. Pray for God to work in each heart.

I left home in north Hokkaido at 7:00 AM this morning. Flew to Tokyo. Then took the train to Saku City. Here is one of the trains I rode on:

This is a Shinkansen (bullet train). It is very, very fast and smooth.

Thank you for your prayers in advance!!

Serving Jesus,
Alan Minks

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