Hi folks! I thought you might enjoy reading feedback from some of Shepherd Radio's (Hitsujikai Radio) listeners who have written in to us!:
"I thank God for allowing me to find this station. It's wonderful to hear good, soothing spirit-lifting, christian music. May God keep on blessing you and your ministry."
"During the first 2 weeks after the tsunami, I struggled with the question, 'Why do bad things happen to good people.' And it was during this time that discovered your station. You have blessed me so much with your music. God bless you."
"I listen to this as I study the bible, what a fantastic station!"
"Thank you. Such soothing hymns and music is hard to find among my local radio stations."
"I love Hitsujikai Radio and have my earplugs on, listening to its music most of the time I am on the computer. I just wanted to say Gambatte Kudasai!"(Hang in there!)
"Hello. I am Christian. I am Japanese. 17 years old now. Shepherd radio is very good. All for the glory of Jesus."
It is because of YOUR support for our family that this ministry can continue on.
Thank you and if you'd like to listen in click this link: http://www.hitsujikai-radio.com
Have a great day,
Bro. Alan

Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
We're still here!!
Yes!...We do have a blog and we are still here! Ha! Life gets busy for all of us and this little virtual piece of real-estate has gotten a little run down, a bit neglected. Well! We hope to knock down the cobwebs, dust a bit, and spruce up the "place."
Today, Tanya is in the hospital. She has been for about 4 days (since Sunday afternoon). Thankfully!!!!... she should be coming home tomorrow. (She is so important around here. I can handle survival-mode for a few days but can't live without her!! Whew!) She had laparoscopic surgery on Monday, March 12th as many of you already know. All went well, and so far her recovery in the hospital is going good. Yeah! She told me today through a phone text message that she'd "much more prefer being in the hospital for delivering a baby compared to having surgery!" LOL! But, she and I both know the Lord can and will use each situation He puts us in. Actually, I got the privilege to talk to and witness to a 75 year old lady in the waiting room during Tanya's surgery! PTL. I was glad to do that rather than sitting there dwelling on (and worrying about) Tanya's surgery. We've been visiting Tanya in the hospital each day and will go again this afternoon. It does us all good to have some "together time." :)
The kids have been creative as they are thinking about Mama and missing her. Here is Malachi's Lego creation he made for Tanya:

We took a picture and sent it to her mobile phone.
I sent Gideon out today to tackle a little bit of snow. Normally a whole crew has to shovel, but he was able to get the job done today. It had been "looking" like Spring was trying to come our way, but alas, we live in the northern part of the northern island (Hokkaido) of Japan:

When snow comes early or late in the season we just say, "Well, that's Hokkaido for ya!"
God bless you all!
Alan and family
"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Today, Tanya is in the hospital. She has been for about 4 days (since Sunday afternoon). Thankfully!!!!... she should be coming home tomorrow. (She is so important around here. I can handle survival-mode for a few days but can't live without her!! Whew!) She had laparoscopic surgery on Monday, March 12th as many of you already know. All went well, and so far her recovery in the hospital is going good. Yeah! She told me today through a phone text message that she'd "much more prefer being in the hospital for delivering a baby compared to having surgery!" LOL! But, she and I both know the Lord can and will use each situation He puts us in. Actually, I got the privilege to talk to and witness to a 75 year old lady in the waiting room during Tanya's surgery! PTL. I was glad to do that rather than sitting there dwelling on (and worrying about) Tanya's surgery. We've been visiting Tanya in the hospital each day and will go again this afternoon. It does us all good to have some "together time." :)
The kids have been creative as they are thinking about Mama and missing her. Here is Malachi's Lego creation he made for Tanya:
We took a picture and sent it to her mobile phone.
I sent Gideon out today to tackle a little bit of snow. Normally a whole crew has to shovel, but he was able to get the job done today. It had been "looking" like Spring was trying to come our way, but alas, we live in the northern part of the northern island (Hokkaido) of Japan:

God bless you all!
Alan and family
"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
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